UIPM Activities

In order to implement the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and meet the future in the transformation of online education. So Antonio Guterres (UN Secretary-General) asserted: ’ We must harness the power of the digital revolution to ensure that quality education is provided as a public good and a human right, with a particular focus on the most marginalised groups. And UIPM must harness the power of digital technology to advance national and international aspirations in education, online learning, and lifelong learning. It is on this basis that UIPM carries out mission 17 of the SDGs in the area of Full 100% Online Education, where UIPM is internationally accredited by the Grandmaster of the Sovereign Knightly Order of the Kingdom of Prussia, Russia, QAHE (Quality Assurances Higher Education) and HESI (Higher Education Sustainability Initiative) and EDEN (European Distance E-Learning Network). 

The existence of UIPM as an NGO, this non-governmental organization has been regulated in the UN Charter Article 71 Chapter 10 regarding the consultative role of non-governmental organizations. 

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are not concerned with financial gain. Instead, they focus on fighting for universal rights and monitoring government policies in society.  NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) representatives in a number of countries are given the opportunity to participate and report on government performance by attending the UN General Assembly Conference. 

The presence of NGOs is quite instrumental and has a good influence, namely as a source of information, public policy advocacy, and monitoring humanitarian, educational and environmental issues. In international relations, NGOs also play a role in advocating for a number of applicable public policies. This organization can provide assessment and input related to the development of public policy implementation.


Benefits of Online Learning in The pandemic of COVID-19 has accelerated the spread of online learning at all stages of education, from kindergarten to higher education. Prior to the epidemic, several colleges offered online education. However, as a result of the epidemic, several governments discontinued face-to-face schooling in favor of compulsory distance education.

UIPM is backed up by EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network) part of the Global Education Coalition UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). EDEN is supported by the European Union's ERASMUS+ Program. EDEN is the largest, most comprehensive and inclusive European Networking Institution for Scholars, Experts, Practitioners and Professionals in the fields of Open Education, Distance Education and E-Learning, whose activities are increasingly extensive and increasingly complex.